Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Claudine Dombrowski Drives on Suspended License.. But Blames FATHERS for what SHE DOES HERSELF??

Look at who is calling the kettle black.... what a hypocrite...!!

Custodial dad arrested after dropping off child; now facing 6th ...
By Claudine Dombrowski
The latest charge came about when Mom suspected that Dad was intoxicated before a scheduled child visitation drop-off. She also knew that he wasn't supposed to drive because his driver's license was suspended after his FIFTH DWI. ..... Child Custody Battle, Domestic Abuse, Do (99), Child Custody, Child Custody Battle, Domestic Abuse, Domestic Relations, Domestic Violence, Family Court Reform, Family Courts, Family Rights, Human Rights,Husbands who murder wives, ...
A Human Rights Issue-Custodial Justice -

Now Claudine is driving without a driver's license, with registration for her rattletrap, and without insurance. Going back to court tomorrow, Claudine Dombowski face even more problems since she continues to Parental Alienate her kid.

via Third Judicial District Court Public Access.

When will she learn? Does Claudine Dombrowski think she is above the law?

Case Number: 10TR000190

Plaintiff: STATE OF KANSAS,,, Attorney: DOMME,JESSICA,G,,

Defendant: DOMBROWSKI,CLAUDINE,, Attorney: N/A

Division: TR

Next Activity: DOC on 03/02/2010 at 8:00 AM

01/22/2010 - Case filed on 01/22/10.

01/22/2010 - SET - Docket on 03/02/10 at 08:00AM. in division TR.

01/22/2010 - Charge #1 8-262 a1A - 1 ct DRIVING WHILE SUSPENDED FIRST CONVICTION-M B filed on 01/22/10

01/22/2010 - Charge #2 8-142 2 - 1 ct REGISTRATION VIOL. (FICTICIOUS,CANCELLED,ALTERED,HANDICAPPED-M U filed on 01/22/10

01/22/2010 - Charge #3 40-3104 - 1 ct NO LIABILITY INSURANCE-M B filed on 01/22/10

01/22/2010 - OJA case filing entered. Case source: O.


01/22/2010 - Notice of hearing for 03/02/10 Traffic Docket issued to , JESSICA G DOMME , CLAUDINE DOMBROWSKI .

via Third Judicial District Court Public Access.